Friday, September 3, 2010
Are Synthetic Hormones (Like Those Found in Oral Contraceptive Pills) Safe?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
All-Natural Cake Making Fun!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Drink OJ with Your Carcinogenic Cured Meats

A 2007 study by Columbia University suggests a link between eating cured meats, such as bacon, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Nitrites were posited as a possible cause.
Many foods, especially cured meats such as bacon and hot dogs, use nitrates to preserve color and maintain microbial safety. Nitrate is harmless, but it can convert to nitrite (when cooked), which can form nitrosamines, a powerful cancer-causing chemical, in your body. Whenever possible, look for nitrate-free preserved meats. When you do eat foods containing nitrates, have a glass of orange juice at the same time (for instance, orange juice with your morning bacon). Vitamin C is known to inhibit the conversion to nitrosamines in your stomach.
People who eat cured meats are more likely to develop certain diseases such as lung cancer.
One serving a week, max. Bacon is too unhealthy to be consumed on a regular basis (numerous times in a short amount of time).
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Stress Easy Birthing Method

HypnoBirthing® - The Mongan Method is as much a philosophy as it is a technique. The concept of HypnoBirthing® is not new, but rather a "rebirth" of the philosophy of birthing as it existed thousands of years ago and as it was recaptured in the work of Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, an English obstetrician, who, in the 1920s, was one of the first to forward the concept of natural birthing. The method teaches you that, in the absence of fear and tension, or special medical circumstances, severe pain does not have to be an accompaniment of labor.
You will gain an understanding of how the birthing muscles work in perfect harmony--as they were designed to--when your body is sufficiently relaxed and you trust birth. You will learn how to achieve this kind of relaxation, free of the resistance that fear creates, and you will learn to use your natural birthing instincts for a calm, serene and comfortable birth.
"I am very excited about this method of birthing, and feel very comfortable with this being my choice on a birthing practice: the right way for me."
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act

What is the status of the bill?
* April 24, 2008 –- The Newborn Screening Lives Act is signed into law by the President.
* April 8, 2008 –- The Newborn Screening Lives Act is passed by the House of Representatives.
* December 13, 2007 –- The Newborn Screening Lives Act is passed by the Senate.
* November 14, 2007 –- The Newborn Screening Lives Act is approved by the Senate Health
Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.
* October 15, 2007 –- The Newborn Screening Lives Act is introduced in the House.
* July 23, 2007 –- The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act is introduced in the Senate.
This is a bill that has been passed that allows all newborns' DNA to be collected, which is in act NOW! I feel that this is something that we (the people) should have had a chance to vote on. I also feel that the parent's should have the right to withdraw their newborns participation in this DNA collection if they wished to. I first heard of this the night before last on a show on the History channel. I couldn't believe it, regardless of it being true. Is the only way to get out of this through having your child/giving birth at home or in a naturopathic clinic/birthing center? I will try to stay informed on this topic. Until then, God bless.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Ancient Greek Goddess of Health

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Test Your Natural Health I.Q.